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tv   The Daily Rundown  MSNBC  September 25, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> gentle dol. >> i learnedhat mike barnicle's tie was so green that it was used as a green screen. >> i wear this as a sety measure atig whek t dog. >> by the way, you look -- >> it reflects off of car headlights. >> mike looks thrilled to be on the program this morning. >> a man who is happy in his work. >> there he is. see you back here tomorrow. stick arnd for chuck. mid-town main event. both candidates crisscrossing manhattan and major speeches and interviews all over the air waves. mitt romney goes firstndets ady toakgehi at bill clinton's global giving conference. what will the former president have to say about the presidential hopeful? we will hear fro both of them
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in minutes. meanwhile, blocks away, presidenobama getseady to addressnited nations over an ho fro he gng the low-key no news drop-by that his team was hoping for? he is getting heat making time for "the view" but not fellow leaders. a big tim in missouri d a ehe senate race he has to do it by 5:00 p.m. today. if not, it's on to november but the yemt battled congressman shows no sign of dropping out. good morning from new york. it's tuesday, september 25th, 12 mhud live outside of the new york public library, nbc's occasieducation nation su behi me. coming up, will show you live
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pictures and monitoring and waiting for bill clinton to introduce mitt romney at his global giving conference and when that happens, we will take it to you live and give you a ttle bit of mitt romney's remarks. he is presenting an intriguing plan of a pubc private partnershiwhen itomo th my guesss won't get taken out of a partisan lens but ought to win time -- when the time comes for it. first, toy fst reads of the morning on the trail monday. a null aggressive mitt romney and he sailed the prident's leadership abroad and his characterization. president obama will address the u.n. jen assembly. the president's fourth speech to the body. 18onth civil warnia a es of confrontational statements by none other than iran's president who declared monday that israel has no roots in the middle east. today's speech comes in the
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aftermath of the u.s. consulate ers.enhazi which kledour ihe president on libya, by the way, just one year ago. >> 42 years of tyranny was ended in six months, from tripoli to misrata and ben ghazi, today, libya is free. yestday,hede aew libya took their rightful place besides and this week, the united states is reopening our embassy in tripoli. >> that was one yr ago today. in his speech today, here is what we do know the president will say today, quote. we must aferm that our future will be determined by people like chris stevens. he recommit the united states to the values othe arab sprg ople ewh wgor s ,que, the freedom to detmine their destiny and we will see if he uses exactly that phrase.
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and also warn iran that although still time for diplomacy, te is not limited. make no mistakes a nucar armed cin and why a coalition of countries is holding the iran government accountable and why the united states will do what we must to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon he uses the word -- the word containment. at's a b declaration the foat wo the remarks are directed not just at an international audience but a domestic one. mitt romney who was accusing the president of damaging ties with israel and not being tough enough on iran, yesterday attacked the president's answer to a "60 minutes" questio about ether the rect mdle st upng g him any doubts about support of governments that emerged from the arab spring. here is what the president said. >> i think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy.
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universal rights and aot pe ho able to participate in their own governance. but i was pretty certain and continueo be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road. >> romney seized on that phrase t series of network interviews. a media blitz f you will. >> we have just had an ambassador assassinated. egypt elected a muslim brotherhood or person as president. iran is on the cusp offing a nuclear capability. we in syria and paeckkistan, i don't consider these bumps in the road. >> romney in colorado at a rally and paul ryan on a bus tour of ohio attacked the president on foreign policy. >>urnn th t as --t reminds you of 1979 tehran, but they are burning our flags in capitals all around the
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world. they are storming our embassies. we have lost four of our diplomats and saying we are going to gutur national security, our milita thatrojects weakness. >> white house has condemned that romney's -- the president was referring to the death of ambassador chris stevens when he used the phrase "bumps in the road." here is press secretaryay t is a certain rather desperate attempt to grasp words and phrases here to find political advante and, in this case, that is profoundly offensive. >> joining me now on behalf of thromney campaign, fmerew rky r, rul. you are here because the bill clinton event is running late and i'm shocked, shocked. >> havingo wait for president clinton to go out and used to tie up traffic for about 45 minutes every move. >> you have figured it ou >> a goo iend
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>>aymped bween you and mayor bloomberg. the city runs when many of us invii invade it in than ways p.m. containment isn't a policy, that has to make you feel better, does it not? >>t does,f iieveit >> do you not believe it. >> i didn't hear him say the magic words he would use military strike. >> do you think you have on-to-say the phrase military strike? >> sure. what else does that mean it? it could mean dramatic sanctions and bncs. saonasight now -- >> not a policy, then what -- imply that military is an option? >> no, it doesn't not insist you say that word but implies i but could mean more signature sanctions. we have exempted china and 1 otcoie anke have significant sanctions on them only because they were pretty weak before. 20 countries have been exempted from sanctions on iran so iran can function pretty dar well
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with their biggest or second biggest trading partner sce china. since president obama has exempted cna fromho saon >> this china situation, always interesting to me it's always easy to talk tough on china in a campaign year. my point is it always seems to be once a president gets into office, whether republican or democrat, there is always a h has exempted russia and 18 other countries. the sanctions aren't what they seem to be. the sanctions have tremendous number of loopholes in them. you could make the sanctions much more significant and wt he could be talking about and a reason he doesn't use e word military st. ronald reagan wouldn't avoid military strike. i think jimmy carter the regime is not taken seriously. i believe when the iranians look at ronald rgan they saw something diffentland reed the hostages.
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>> seems like a dispute in the line in the sand. you're not taking the president at his word but a lot of people will. >> i'm not taking -- i have taken his word. the word containnt means military power. sations are here. they could go to here. ch more significant sanctions could mean what he is talking about unless he clarifies. >> you believe -- >> you're interpreting containment to mean military power. i'm saying he hasn't said that. he dn't clarify that. you stop diplomacy?, wn you're saying sanctions aren't working as well as they should because of -- should you keep going? >> i'mot sure he should announce that publicly but i think he should have an agreement with predent netanyahu on what the brigh line test indfu ben e two men because we don't israel to take action if it didn't have to take action. his failure to meet with president netanyahu is astou astounding. >> they talk on the phone -- no
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two world leaders -- dsh i don't think e president moreim thho w president netanyahu than any world leader. >> one more. >> why is this so much more significant? >> so did churchill and roosevelt and necessary to travel but they found four times a year to sit down andook into each other's eyes. very important decision i don't want to have to make it. does he attack or doesn't he? a lot of has to do with his trust in president obama sitting down face-to-face a basic essential of foreign policy. this is what bob woodward criticized the president for. opleoesn't like t meet wit heem guy. i ink it affects the way in which he conducts foreign policy and i think it affects the way he conducts domestic policy and i'm not saying this. i think bob woodward's whole book is about this. >> do they by psident netanyahu is speaking for the orentmapeak for le the entire american people but who is in charge?
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>> an assumption it seems the united states or at least the implication is the defense between the israel defense and department of defense everything our understding is as tight as every. therst sms to ony lietwe netanyahu and obama so what? >> it just happens to be a personality conflict with the man who has to make the decision whether to do the bombing or not. you overcome the personality conflict a you deal with it. you don't go hide in a shell and be afraid to talk to him. >>ould you be meeting with morsi today? >> if i w nya- ould you be meeting with both of them? >> i'd meet with both of them. he is not doing the job of bng candidate. president p.m. has decided he regards as a bump in the road he can take the time not to be president the next six weeks and let playtself out. >> h du t't ab a bth road? >> i don't know. all of those people being killed in syria doesn't seem like a bump in the road. >> dancing or march of 2005, it's democracy. there was a lot of chaos going
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on in iraq 2005. we ven said when wree, deacs messy. >> how long ago was that? >> 2005. >> it turned out to be wrong, didn't it? >> former mayor of new york city, nice to see you. >> thank you. >> take a quick break and come ba. mi romney and bill clinton coming together. we are expecti it any minute now. we wilbe rht bk. we've all had those moments.
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spends like cash. feels like membership. we're going to takeou right nowo bl to inuc mitt romney at the clinton global initiative. we will hear mitt romney outline his vision of what foreign assistance will look like. president obama addresses the meeting later this afternoon. >> i was out of the white house. i said, governor, i lity yendtme ill about. i hope you'll help me save it and he urged the republican congress to continue to support city year and he urged the white house to do it, and they did. i just visited a city year ogram in south africa in j ha johan newsburg.
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80% there have a job that they leave city year. so it turns out to be goo ecomics, as well as od for the sociy. alofho kw t and i wanted you to know it and, governor, i thank you for being here. the podium is yours. >> thank you, mr. president. >> thank you. >> very nice. thank you. thank you, mr. president. it's an honor to be here this morning and i appreciate your kind words and that introduction is very touching. if there is one thing we have learned in this election season, by the wayit is that a few words omill clinton can do a man a lot of good. all i got to do now is wait a couple of days for that bounce to happe
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as you know, since serving as president, president clinton has devoted himself to lifting people around the world and one of the best things that could happen to any cause, to any people, is to have bill clinn ad its aatnd ts allyrueor a whole series of causes, but particularly for the needy and neglected causes. if he gets behind them, it makes a real difference and it's that kind of work that brings us here together today and i appreciate your willingness to spe time d to listen to osat nghhe messes. numbeof things that impressed me with the global initiative and one of them as i've seen it from afar i've been impressed by the power you have of harn necessaing pple of different backgrounds and institutions of drent backgrounds and peuasis. ve ahi partnerships i you will across the traditional boundaries. on a smaller scale, by the way, i've seen the pow of partnerships like this work
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before. in massacsetts, bill clinton ju spo about-uty ar and i have righowne over here michael brown one of the founders. this was an effort two social i pioneersrought volumes to form this impit and it was the model as theresint said for americore. i happened to be there the first time he visited city year. he was there investigating the life changing successes which were being reported by -- in the lives of these young people who had come together for a year of service and as they wer linked wi craea ttke th th. w als s the power of these kind of partnerships in 2002 when i was asked to be the head of the olympic winter games in salt lake city. i saw what could happen when very different elements of a counity were wling to join together ixtdinity weeblo erco challenges that many thought would be impossible for an
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organization like ours to overcome. now, the clinton global initiative has also demonstrated the effectiveness of interpru neurosh entrepreneurship. you also change lives. to change lives through freedom and through free enterprise and gnth is associated with ndhe work. free enterprise has known to bless humanity than any other economic system. not only it's the only system that creates a prosperous middle class but also because it's the only system where the individual apologize the freedom to gui buhi hif free enterprise can not only make us better off financially, it can make us better people. ours is a very compassionate nation, as you know.
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we look around the world and we see witring sfe. he b. though, we make up only 4.5% of the world's population, we donate nearly a quarter of all global aid more than twice as many other nation on earth and americans give more money. orik rick warren lead mission trips that send thousands of americans around the world bringing aid to the poorest places on the planet. american troops are the first on the scene of a natural disaster. an earthquake strike in haiti er w bir fm s cemll america and not far behind, of course, are presidents clinton and bush. but too often our passion for charity as a people is tempered by our sense that our aid is not always effective. we seetoes o cas w ican aidas bn diverted to corrupt governments. we wonder why year after year
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after year of aid and relief, seem to neverxtinguish the haipnd pstecad after decade. perhaps some is failure to recognize how much the developing world has changed. a lot of the foreign aid efforts th we put in place some years ago were designed at a time when government development sistance accounted for about 70% of the urwi developing nations. today, 82% of the resources that flow to developing nations come from the private sector, not the governmental sector. if someh foreign aid can really leverage that massive inst bri se, i m be able to spands the ability to not only those that are comparing for suffering and also change their lives on a permanent basis. now private enterprise is having a greater and greater impact actually on its own in the
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lo rl an example that johneere embarked on a pilot program where it had farm tools attached to a very small tractor. the company worked to spanned the availabily of capital to the farmers there so they could maintain and develop their own busses thsuasn good investment for john deere and a greater opportunity for african farmers able to grow more crops and provide for more plentiful lives of their own. for american foreign aid to become more efctive, it's got to embrace the principles that you see in these global initiatives. the power of partnerships access to the transformative nature o free enterprise and the leverage of the abundant resources that can come from the private sector. now ielieve tt t a e e tima objects our foreign aid in this country. first, of course, is to address humanitarian needs such as the case with -- which has given
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medical treatment to millions suffering fromiv and aids. bsia uted ates a strategic interest, perhaps military or diplomatic. third, another purpose and one i think has to receive much more attention and a much higher priority in a romney administration and that is aid th eletesplnd bs abt lasting change in communities and nations. as example, a lot of americans, including myself, are troubled by developments in the middle east. syrihasnehe kng t ohousds o people. the president of egypt is a member of the muslim brotherhood. our ambassador to libya was assassinated in a terrorist attack. an is moving toward nuclear weapons capability. we feele are at ecy ev, ern shing ents
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i'm often asked why. what can we do about it to lead th middle east to stability and ease the suffering and the anger and the hate there and the violence? is certainly part of the problem but that is not the whole story. the population of the middle east is very young in comparison with t population of the developed nations. and typically, these young people, as the president indicated aoment ago, don ha a l ooss. th levels of youth unemployment across the region are excessive and chronic. nations sha have undergone a change in leadership recently, young people have greater access to information theast,hat s g furd tyrants and dictators but now it's available. they see the good, as well as the bad in surrounding societies. they can now organize across
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vast regnsobilizing leild by porty, and crushed by government corruption, their frustration and their anger grows. in such a setting for america to actually change lives, to change communities and nations in the middle east, foreign aid mt play a role and the shape that role should play was brought into focus by the life and death of muhammad of tunisia, that street vendor who self emulated and who sparked ere by the arab ring yoob khicknd buit tchede. he was just 26 years old. he had provided for his family since he was a very young boy. he worked a small fruit stand, selling to passers-by. the regar harassment by corrupt bureaucrated was
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elevated one day when they kim came in and took cases of h fruit and his only real capital equipment away from him, the scales. on the day of his final protest, witnseay aoffir slped him and he cried out with these words "why are you doing this to me? i'm a simple person. i just want to work. i just want to work." work, that has been at the hrt urffoel people build economies, that can create jobs, young and old alike. work builds self-esteem. it transforms minds from fantasy to reality and grounding. wooet lg tolerate corruption, nor will it quietly endure the brazened theft by government of the product of hard working men and women. to foster work and enterprise in the middle east and other
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developing countries, i'll iniaomngll prosperity pacts, working with the private sector, the program will identify that barriers to investment and trade and entrepreneurship in developing nations. and in exchange for removing those barriers a opening their adevinions will receive u.s. assistance packages focused on developing the institutions of liberty, the rule of law, and property rights. will focus their efforts on small and medium sized businesses. micro finance has been an ctto a promoting enterprise and prosperity but we have to spanned the medium and small businesses that are too large for micro finance and too small for traditional bankerin w and the fostering of free enterprise. nothing we can do as a nation
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will change lives and nations more effectively and permanently than sharing the insight that lies at the foundation of america's own economy. antshat free people pursuing happiness in their own ways build a strong and prosperous nation. when i was in business, i traveled to a number of other countries. i waoften struck by the vast differenceneang on ter sometimes neighbors. some of that was, of course, due to geography. rich countries often had natural resources like mineral deposits or access to waterways for transportation. but in some cases, all that seemed to separate a rich country from a me poor oas antine in the map. countries that were physically right next door to each other and were, in some cases, economically worlds apart. you think of north korea and south korea. i became convinced that the critical differencbeeen
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the cotriewasn nod tt the most successful countries shared something in common. they were the freest. they protected the rights of individuals. they enforced the rule of law. they encouraged trade and enterprise. ey understood that economic freedom is the onlyorce i orat i consistently lifted people out of poverty and kept people out of poverty. look. a temporary aid package can give an economy a boost. it can fund projects, it canay some bills and employome people f a timan ai om not for the long term and can't pull the whole cart, if you will, because at some point, the money runs out. an assistance program that helps unleash free enterprise can create ending prosperity. freenterprise is based on mutu engr rr millions of exchanges and millions of people buying, trading, selling, building, investing. yeah, it has its ups and downs. it isn't perfect.
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it's more reliable, however, and more durab and ultimately history ha s i more successful. by the way, perhaps the best example of the good that free enterprise can do is by looking at the example of the developed world itself. my friend arthur brooks at the american enterprise institute, he has pointedut that bore thar00 living standards in the west were appalling. a person born in the 18th century lived essentially his great, great grandfather had. life was overwhelmed with disease d danger and early death. stng 00 test began two centuries of free enterprise and trade, living standards rose and literacy spread and health improved in our own country between 1820 and 1898 realit gdp
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increased 22-fold. as the most prosperous nation in history, it's our duty to keep the engine ofrosperity running to open markets across the globe d read per tll thrnerof the earth and we should do it because it's the right moral course to help our brothers and sisters, but it's also economically the smart thing for us to do in our expo industriesaye w hendusiese a m th o third of manufacturing jobs in this country are tied to exports. sadly, we have lost over 500,000 manucturing jobs the last four years. as president i intend to reverse that trend by ensuring we have trade that works for america. i want tneatw e agreements and ask congress to promote trade authority and spanned the transpacific partnership and create what i call the reagan economic zone
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where any nation willing to play by the rules of free and fair trade can participate in new communitymi tee t. i've laid out a new approach for a new era. we're going to couple aid with trade and private investment and partnershi to empower individualsndou innovators and reward entrepreneurs. we face challenges in complexities. we cannot and should not forget that not far from here voice of unspeakable evil and hatred has spoken out, thrteng rlel tnte cize but we come together knowing that bitterness of hate is no match for the strength of love. in the weeks ahead, i will continue to speak to these challenges and the opportunities that this momt presents us. i'lleyon fgn asannd describe also what i believe america's strategy should be to secure our
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interests and ideals during this uncertain time. a year from now, i hope to turn to this meeting as president. having made substantial progress towards achieving the reforms i've outlined. but i heo rind the wo of the goodness and the bigness of the american heart. i never apologize for america. i believe america has been one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever known and we can hold that knowledge in our hearts with humility and waveringconvtion tss you in this great work and god bless my country and yours. thk you so much. it's an honor to be with you. >> you just heard mitt romney outlining what he called his way of trying to create a blri per, yoll fgn aid. he defends foreign aid but makes the case for a more private sector contribution to it, creating economic, free enterprise zones, ifou will. he cled them reagan zones. some of that stuff might sm
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famiar. he changed a little bi he gn criticized for his cultural distinctions on what separates economies that grow faster than others around the world and said actually it isn't a cultural thing, it'sbout freedom and dra e w thought out speech and connects his message domestically and international without causing too much friction perhaps with his base since he does make a prettyig defense of foreign aid. a slew of economic reports are coming out this morning, udthp schillor index. becky quic is here. i was going to talk about bacon? >> bacon? >> the cost of pigs and bon is going to get mepee. ll sus this housing news is big news and i assume the markets will respond in
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kind? >> the markets are expecting to hear better news when it comes to housing because the expectation housing has turned the corner and a lot of have been wti for even wn butling us when housing turns the rest of the economy is going to turn. the other side of that, though, is that we have been hearing from a lot of these transport companies and talked already about how fedex and how the railroads warned over the last weeknd last night heard f rpr inen it looks to 2015 the numbers are not as good as they had expected and commodity is lowering. the overall marke is looki at e housing numbers looks like the dow is up by about 28 points. >> all right. becky quick, thank you very much. we will be back in 30 pends sekeds.
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as part of the nbc news universal commitment to education we are taking a week-long look at finding solutions to somef our most pressing problems with education nation. school choices is part of the debate. romney's campaign is no different. take a listen. >>f a student wants to go to a charter school or parhial or private school, the student can gond t fedal mey gs ttu. so that we -- we allow more choice for parents. i like every parent to have a choicend every child to have a
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chance. >>s for the teachers savannah guthrie sat d withresint amd d a strike in his hometown of chicago which pitted his former chief of staff against unions who support politically he does dependon. >> mitt romney said that president obama has chosen his side in this fight that you sided wh us a l spring he said he can't talk up reform while indulging in groups that block it. >> well, you know, i think governor romney and a number of folks try to politicize the issue and do a lot of tcher bashing. en ieeeachsllcr e coy,hee devoted and so dedicated to their kids. what we have tried to do is actually break through this left/right conservative liberal gridlock. >> joining me now is los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa and
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thank you both for being here. madam secretary, start with you and the school choice issue. you seem to be wavering on where you are in school choice. is ithe answer when it comes to accountitoc school systems or maybe are we rushing too much? >> no, i'm a big supporter of school choice so long as we have information that empowers the consumer so they can use it efiv all of the things that go hand in hand. when parents are powered with information and the resources as governor romney said to follow with the children to schools of their choice i think it's a perfect combination. >> what is your hesincy? ght n i n tt, right? >> i don't think we're seeing that. in d.c., we have seen really effective school choice programs work around other parts of the country. here is the difference.
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you know, kids can vote with their feet. parents can vote with their feet ho o woo vouchers nhart as we have in d.c. >> you would have in los angeles, i know you don't fully run the school system per se but the challenge then is if you have some student leaving failing schools, what do you do withhat failing school? right? f ol, i also support choice. i don't support vouchers but i do believe we need more charter schools that allow us -- >> federal dollars follow the student? >> federal dollars that follow the student, yes. >> okay. ian and our charter schools are public in los angeles. weave doubled the number of chters in l.a. 800 and above. >> what do you do with a failed charter? how quickly do you decide when a charter is a failure? >> after a period of time,hree years. we should close thatrt like a pubc olt's t in look. we can't continue to have a drop
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out roued 50% in our urban schools and kids scoring at the bottom 20 pcentile and not ask the tough questions. i also agree we have to tie moy tresus,o accountableability. we have to have multiple measures of teachers and invest more in teacher development and recruit the best teachers. you've seen tehers teach for america, they are recruiting some of the top people from colleges to our schools. so weeed to do all tnd gi part choices and we need to have the highest standard for our kids. >> savannah put a question to the president. is it the teachers union more than anybody else that is slowing down this movement on reform? >> i'd say tt the tcher unn ar defdinghi that are broken. let me give you an example. we had a peta file in los angeles. furl -- >> you say this is a former organizer? >> yes, a former -- we had a
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peta file in los angeles who we couldn't fire and payhem he is going to jail. we did a bill saying we should be able to expedite the dismissal. the bill didn't pa. we need to start working together. look. the teaching profession is a pu tough profession. we have to invest more in them than we do now but the unions can't defend what is broken. we haveaken on sendenty and tenure. what other profession is determined how long you've been here? imagine if i said vote here because i've been here the longest? it doesn't work in our schools or anywhere else either >> tchernion me in down reform? >> teacher unions are doing what they are paid to do and represent adults in the system.
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their conditions and benes. they don't represent children and not what they are paid to do. i large agreeith the mar. want to work, we end up having our least experienced most inin effect teachers sent to the most challenging places and surprised when thecan't get result with kids. we need to find time and ways ulork fo sten >>t did you learn by going into the federal -- there has always been this sort of what should the federal government's role be in education. what did you think going in and what do you now think coming out that is different? >> actually, george bush, as you know, was kindf a different kind of republican who was one of the pioersn sg let not abolish the education. we need to have a discrete but muscular role that says if we are going to invest billions of taxpayer dolla if he federal level, we ought to have mething in return
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>> so you l aace te t id program? >> no child left behind, accountability, oriented type investment but we ought to not, you know, race to the top funding doesn't work, we ought to take it away and say we are going to do smarter things. one quick thing i have to say about that, chuck, t fedal mmnt h as nd our needest kids and that is what it ought to be about. discrete, but muscular. >> is there a model? i asked them of ray. is there a model school system in the country that seems to have gotten it right? she really cone come upith an answer. saying massachusetts is the closest. >> everybody is trying to get it right. they have a collaboration between their union and the school district and focusing on accountability. i n't buy idea we shouldn't fund our sools just reform, it's just standards. you got to also tie results to reform and money. you got to make investments in
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our kids and in california, we are 47th in peer people spending. i remember when we had the best public schools in the nation and u ha tonv our schools and invest in our teachers but we also have to work collaboratively together to change what is broken in our schools today. >> mr. mayor of los angeles and former secretary of education, margaret spelling, thank you for coming on. it ausy. next up, i will get in a little politics in here. a bunch of senate races that matter. it's deadline day for todd akin and the massachusetts senate race gets uglier and nastier. our public panel will bene. weecsi obama to walk through that door at the united nations shortly. he is expected to speak shortly at the assembly at the united nations. nestrone chicken sausage but that is okay. that's why thetalisend
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minestrone to use leftovers. programming note for you. both president obama and mitt romney will lay out their views education today at nbc' occasion nation summit. you can see mitt romney live at 11:00 a.m. he is interviewedno other than brian williams and president obama's interview airs at 2:00 p.m. we will be right back. just pick, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit bya meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call those ms. anetem s what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office now save 50% on banners. ifwaoime scs.nnouncer ] fedex office ...what should we invest in? maybe new buildings? what about updated equipment?
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they can help, but recent research shows... ...nothing transforms schools like investing in advanced acher education. lebua ngndn. ...nothing transforms schools let's invest in our teachers so. let's solve this.
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♪ something to me ♪ that nobody else could do i promised i would sneak politics in today. a lot going on in the senate landscape, if you will. the battle for control of the sena gs ltlegh today. it's deadline day for coroversial congressman todd akin to pull his name off the missouri ballot and in masshusetts, scott brown, elizabeth warren race is getting more personal and uglier. lot lt exchange. >> elizabeth warren is trying to put questions about her heritage
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behind her. >> identifying herlf as native american to employs. >> elibetharre is rl fighter. i don't know about scott brown. he is siding with the big money guys. tax cuts for millionaires won't help people around here. >> times rana is with us and erin lewis and jonathan alter o is aum for bloomberg view. jonathan, let's talk about massachusetts. sort of the closest thing to a presidential-esque race. my joke is runsor president and you get a talk show. judging by the attacks back and forth i can't tell who is really ahead. >> some recent polls have shown elizabeth warren taking a littl lead but way too close to call. scott brown's problem ishat he
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has been the good guy eve s on 2010. he's had this good guy reputation. >> just a little bit of a risk? >> it's a bigger risk because the more negative he goes and he was very harsh in that first debate. if he has more debates where he is really taking the gloves off, some of his numbereoing to . other thing that she has going for her, she is starting to make a very interesting and unusual and difficult case, but possible in massachusetts, which is if you vote for scott brown, you're voting for a republican ny the existence of change. >> but for obama supporters is all she needs, more obama supporters in massachusetts. >> she has got another thing that she seems to be wried about and that is this issue of perceived sexism inhe massachuttstora. en to richard trumpka. the head of the afl-cio took this head on.
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here is what he said yesterday. we have a problem because some voters and let me be perfectly honest i'm talking about voters who louske is a big burly guy and big to one good reason the not to, because he's black. 's cot tot f h because she's a woman. fact of the matter is, there is a little bit of a history here where it seems for governor and senate, women have had a tough time. >> it's true. but i'm interested that she's pulling ahead. and in addition to what john happensaid, i tnkitbo the economy. both at the senate level and national level, people are interested in jobsnd she and sh making a good case. and that's what things will hinge on. >> the'setng about potics in massachusetts.
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it's personal. >> they want lots of debates and the democrats in particular do not have a history of electing women statewide. >> you see scott brown trying to drive a wedge into that. ind itoesnojoan ere's a line if he looks too mean. >> that's right. and not only that. there's a line if he looks too mean and plays into the narrative that a vote for scott brown is a vote for the ugly republicans o you don't like. in a state where preside obama is leang by 2 po, e are a lot of people who have made up their mind. scott brown is really a fly in the ointment. >> and claire mccaskill attack everyepubcannown t m that criticizes todd aiken. anyway, we're just minutes away from the president's speech. we'll be right back with a preview of that from our panel. [ male announcer ] this is rudy.
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we're just minutes away from president obama's speech at the u.n. jen general assembly. his only scheduled event at this year'smeeting. let's bring back in our panel. we it do kno some of wthe president will say about rairan he'll use the word containment, that that is not an option. rudy giuliani said he didn't say mitary strike. >> i don't think it's implied. the president has to be reay careful. r t events of the last few week. we need to stay engaged, we need to be talking to people in the middle east, but we need to not be implying that there will be some kind of military action. for starters, there's no appetite for it in this country.
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oil prices. body wan tm t go up. >> jonathan, this republican criticism of the president's schedule, does it matter to mr. and mrs. iow or mr. and mrs. iowa or mr. and mrs. wisconsin. >> >> i don't think it does. mitt romney will need something else to get traction. obama's oective in pur lilmss make no news. >> that's clear. and very clear, they are going to see the president give a speech in front of the u.n. generalassembly. >> so the president is woing. >> theyonwbo the by will the ra bilateral -- >> exactly right. the eagle academy does great work with sixth and seventh graders. opening a new ew ademyn newark. >> capitalist column talking about columbus, ohio and why it's a lesson to the nation.
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>> my sister started a blog in california called l.a. school report which is all about education re. nd mine is for ed, we need you back, save the packers. we'll see you back here in washington, d.c. torrow. coming up next, chris jansg. she'll bring you the president's speech live. this is your business travel forecast. worst weather in the country is taking place in areas of the ohio valley coming out of missouri, showers and thunderstorms pretty widespread. the rest of the nation's actually looking fairly dr niceeathoday i ean ab. still a little hot in arizona to texas and everyone on the west coast is enjoying dry day and cooler temperatures. catal one cash rewards card
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